About Me

This blog is designed for people who want to stand out and move towards financial independence.  Just like most people I took the normal route in life, got qualified, got a job and began my journey on the treadmill! However, those of you reading this blog are ready for a change. We have been at the whims of economic conditions determining our quality of life, all of our adult working lives. Yet there are those who seem not to be affected at all by these situations, these people are the financially independent, not necessarily the super-rich!


I was made unemployed last year and instead of just going out and finding another job I decided it was time to pursue another less trodden path, most people are very reticent to follow.  I have embarked on several projects so far and doing very well.  I have created this blog to encourage, help and support those of you wanting to break out of the rat-race and pursue opportunities to live outside of the box!