The Multiple Income Mindset (MII)

In order to break out of the 9-5 mind set will require an awareness of our own social and cultural programming.  Most of us have been told particularly during our teens to do well at school, get well qualified and then get a good job!  Sound familiar!  Whilst there is nothing inherently wrong with this advice, it is not the entire story. Let me explain.

Work or a Job!

Most of us are not doing jobs we really love, let's be honest!  We have bills to pay mortgage payments to make and families to feed. We need an income.  We have been sold the idea that the only way to meet those needs is to get a job.  Which is all well and good, but what happens when the job is making you miserable and you hate it?  For the majority of people they choke down these feelings of failure and stay in the job all the while complaining.  


The difference between work and a job, your work is what you were designed by God to do. The expression of your gifts and talents. For instance a singer gifted with vocal talents if they are in a job where their talents are utilised for instance a recording artist then, their job and work are one-in-the-same. 


Are you at work or do you have a job?

The MII Mindset

The MII looks at their skill set and uses their off work/job time to create other streams of income.  We have been conditioned to see our off work time i.e. after 5pm and weekends as rest time.  The MII will be from 5pm putting in another shift in their day.  They have mastered the art of time management wherein time is seen as a commodity not to be wasted.  


The MII will have made lifestyle adjustments in order to facilitate and achieve their goals.  There are always things that we do or not do that can be adjusted to make or find time.  Less TV watching for instance.  TV is a dream stealer. I am not advocating not watching it at all, but when we spend our entire evening after work vegged out watching our favourite series this is not going to get you off the treadmill!


So start to do some assessments about where you are and where you want to be and what you need to change to get there.


More in my next blog about MII's and the path to financial independence.